Live in Peace
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for you as you explore incorporating everyday calming techniques and practices so you can navigate conflict well.
Why Meditate?
Meditation makes us calm and grounded. When we do it regularly, our brains literally change so calm becomes our default state of being.
Just Breathe
Learning a couple pf breathing techniques to have in your back pocket will prepare you for those inevitable tough times. You can also practice when you’re not stressed and it will have a lovely, positive impact.
Living in Presence
Allowing your mind to just be here now is an amazing tool that brings calm and perspective.
Mindfulness: Formal & Informal
Mindfulness simply means being fully aware of your thoughts and actions. This can be done formally, like meditation, or informally throughout your day when you choose to drop into presence.
Managing Conflict
Conflict is unavoidable but it doesn’t have to be awful. While we can’t control what other do we can control our responses. With a plan in place to navigate conflict, it can actually create deeper relationships.
Start your journey
Are you ready to live more peacefully? Starting with small changes to your daily routine you will begin to see big outcomes in your life.