Awaken the peace that already exists inside you.

Find Your Calm


Explore different types of meditation, breathwork and mindfulness to keep your inner chatter at bay so you are grounded and calm.


Build a little bit at a time to create a consistent practice that works for you. With support and encouragement from me you will gain healthy habits and release ones that no longer serve you.


Learn how to express yourself genuinely and confidently with expert conflict coaching so you can resolve differences in a compassionate manner.

Peace begins with you

Welcome to Peace Through Presence

6 weeks of individualized, one-on-one work identifying your challenges, setting your goals, introducing tools & techniques that create habits of presence and positive conflict navigation. We will use meditation, breathwork and journaling to find the calming techniques that work for you. I will give you daily support so you make it a habit. Then, we will apply your newly acquired skills to conflict situations as I coach you through your peaceful journey.

We will meet on Zoom for our confidential conversations. You will bring with you a journal, a pen and your intentions for your peaceful journey. You will want to have a private space where you won’t be interrupted.

I will bring my experience, wisdoms, guidance and support. While there is an agenda, we will customize it to fit your experience, knowledge and goals.

Start living your intentions now.