Just Breathe

You already know that taking a breath in brings oxygen to your body and a breath out releases carbon dioxide. But there is so much more you can use the breath for!

When stress hits, our breath becomes shallow, depriving us of oxygen. When our brains are oxygen-starved, they simply don’t work as well. If, in the moment, you can notice what is happening with your body and breath, pause. Then, take a slow, deep inhale through the nose and from the belly and a slow exhale through the mouth. You will immediately feel better. Do it three times and you’ll be that much calmer. Just by breathing!

There are many techniques for breathwork in addition to belly breaths mentioned above. There is SKY Breathing, Box Breathing, 4-7-8, Lion’s Breath, Breath of Fire, Bee Breath… the list goes on!

Learning a couple to have in your back pocket ready to go will prepare you for those inevitable tough times. But you can also practice breathing techniques when you’re not stressed and it will have a lovely, positive impact. It feels good!

Breathwork balances blood pressure, helps with deeper sleep, reduces anxiety, improves your immunity and releases stress hormones. For a deeper impact, combine breathwork and mediation all of which can be done in ten minutes or less.


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