Calm the chaos in your head
You know that little voice in your head that sometimes is more like a yell than a whisper?
We all experience that. It’s called monkey mind. (Now you’re picturing a band of monkeys full of energy in your head, right?)
When we’re in the middle of a conflict we’re trying to work out, that chatter is even louder making it that much harder to get through.
Using calming techniques such as mindfulness and meditation helps the little monkeys get quieter. This allows us to see things more clearly so we can move through a conflict in a more calm, thoughtful way.
Manage your spirit
With consistent practices such as meditation and mindfulness you will feel more calm and grounded every day. This makes conflicts (which are unavoidable) much easier to get through.
This all sounds good, right? But how do you actually do that?
The answer is with guidance and support so they become habits. Add in expert conflict coaching and you’re on a great path.
We are living in an incredibly stressful time that is creating a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. We feel it internally and we see it in our faltering systems, from education to government. It is affecting our personal lives and our work worlds.
Parents are stretched thin trying to earn a livable wage while caring for their children who are also struggling.
Partner relationships are feeling strained in this stress sandwich.
So many of us are becoming responsible for our aging relatives in a world where the elderly are not a priority and the answers are not easy.
As much as we want to wave a magic wand and fix things, we can’t make anyone do the right thing or behave better.
But even without a magic wand, we can spread peace just by managing our own stuff. It is possible to manage your anxiety so you feel okay and calm no matter what's going on around you. It's possible to respond to conflict in a way that doesn't make you want to throw up. Through a combination of mindfulness practice and conflict coaching you can live more peacefully.
Research (here and here) tells us that through regular practice of meditation and mindfulness, our default state of being becomes calmer, more grounded and less reactionary. By consistently doing any new thing, our brains rewire themselves to make that new thing a regular thing.
This is called neuroplasticity and it means that if you want to think different and be different, you can!
You can literally rewire your brain to BE different. Isn't that amazing?
Join me on a peaceful journey. Together we will explore your personal challenges and set your individual goals for better living. I will share techniques and skills that will change how you approach anything in life. We will practice together so it feels natural and becomes habit. To support your journey, I will share the wisdom of others in the forms of books, podcasts and videos.